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Learn about bone marrow/stem cell transplant, CAR T-cell therapy, graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), and how to manage late effects of treatment.

Astronautas, Receptores de Trasplantes y de Células CAR T: ¿Qué Tienen en Común?

Las estrategias que utilizan los astronautas para mantenerse en forma durante los vuelos espaciales pueden ayudar a los receptores de trasplante de médula ósea/células madre y de células CAR T.
La infertilidad es un efecto secundario común y estresante de un trasplante de células madre. Hay opciones que puede considerar antes y después del trasplante que pueden permitirle formar una familia.
Aprenda cómo elegir un plan de seguro médico que minimice sus costos; cómo pagar deudas médicas, utilizar herramientas de presupuesto para ayudar a administrar los pagos de facturas y cómo negociar con los acreedores.
Conozca nuevas pautas y herramientas para ayudar a los receptores de trasplantes a regresar al trabajo con éxito.
Esta es la Transcripción del seminario web Ser un Cuidador: Terapia de células CAR T, que se emitió el 1 de febrero de 2023.
The COVID 19 pandemic has become an endemic disease that requires ongoing vigilance from stem cell transplant recipients. This presentation reviews current guidelines for when to test for COVID and the varieties of treatments that have become available since the onset of the virus.
Acute myeloid leukemia is a fast-moving cancer that can be fatal in weeks or months without treatment. This presentation reviews the causes, symptoms, and treatments for AML and recent progress in cure rates or prolonged remission for an increasing number of patients.
Genital graft-versus-host-disease can be a lifelong risk for female stem cell or bone marrow transplant recipients. The presentation reviews the symptoms of vaginal and vulvar GVHD and discusses treatments that can restore women to full sexual health and functioning.
Storytelling is a skill that we all possess that can help us make sense of difficult life experiences, like transplant. Listening to others' stories - written, spoken or communicated through dance or art - is the companion gift for storytelling.
The number of stem cell transplants performed is increasing, which means more people are concerned about ongoing complications or late effects after transplant. This presentation reviews potential late effects after a stem cell transplant (hematopoietic cell transplant) using donor cells (aka allogeneic transplant).
Autologous transplants (using the patient’s own cells) are typically done for myeloma or lymphoma. This presentation reviews the potential complications that may arise from this procedure and provides numerous recommendations for how they can be managed or avoided.
Pueden ocurrir problemas cardiovasculares después de un trasplante de células madre. Conozca cuáles son comunes y qué puede hacer para reducir el riesgo de desarrollar problemas cardíacos y vasculares.
Ocular graft-versus-host-disease occurs in 40% to 60% of allogeneic transplant patients. Early detection and treatment are important. This presentation reviews the most common symptoms and effective remedies for ocular GVHD.
woman on phone

One-on-One Peer Support

Talk to someone who has been a transplant or CAR T-cell patient or their caregiver. Get ideas to help you through treatment.

Man viewing tablet

Join a Support Group

Join a private online support group for patients or caregivers living with chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Groups are also available for people who have received CAR T-cell therapy.

counselor woman

Find a Mental Health Provider

Find a mental health provider who understands what's involved in undergoing a transplant or CAR T-cell therapy or living with graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).