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Learn about bone marrow/stem cell transplant, CAR T-cell therapy, graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), and how to manage late effects of treatment.

Astronautas, Receptores de Trasplantes y de Células CAR T: ¿Qué Tienen en Común?

Las estrategias que utilizan los astronautas para mantenerse en forma durante los vuelos espaciales pueden ayudar a los receptores de trasplante de médula ósea/células madre y de células CAR T.
Autologous stem cell transplants use the patient’s own stem cells to rescue him or her from the effects of high-dose chemotherapy. This type of transplant is most often used to treat patients with multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and Hodgkin lymphoma. This presentation discusses the transplant process, and common early and late complications.
A pediatric bone marrow transplant can cure a child’s disease, but it can also create a number of physical, emotional and financial issues that need to be addressed, even when the child becomes an adult. This presentation discusses common challenges children face after transplant, and strategies to provide them with a good quality of life long-term.
COVID-19 and its variants present ongoing risks to the general population and added risks for cancer patients, people with weak immune systems, and transplant survivors. This presentation reviews the basics about COVID-19, prevention strategies, recent variants, available therapies, and vaccine responses and provides specific advice for cancer patients and survivors.
Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD) is a common condition after a bone marrow or stem cell transplant that uses cells from a donor (an allogeneic transplant). The donor cells are called the “graft” and the patient is called the “host”. When the donor’s immune cells (the graft) are transplanted in the patient’s body (the host) they often unleash an immune system attack against the patient’s organs and tissues which can be mild, moderate or severe.
Caregiving for transplant recipients is a demanding task for which there is little preparation. Caregivers face practical, emotional, and social challenges caring for transplant recipients while also maintaining their own roles. This presentation discusses caregiver challenges and offers some methods for meeting them.
Transplant recipients face several risks to long-term heart health arising from their cancer treatment. This presentation identifies these risks and offers strategies to minimize them and foster healthy, long-term survival.
Graft-versus-Host Disease of the eyes can be mild or severe. This presentation describes the causes and consequences GVHD in the eyes. It also describes and recommends numerous remedies for treating this condition.
Bone marrow and stem cell transplant recipients have an increased risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures. Life-style changes can improve bone health, but in more serious cases, medications may be required. This presentation reviews risk factors and effective remedies for bone problems in transplant patients.
Sepa como Minimizar el Riesgo de Desarrollar un Cáncer Secundario después del Trasplante de Células Madre.
Cancer-related fatigue affects up to 80% of cancer survivors. Exercise is the best “medicine” and can resolve many symptoms of fatigue. This presentation provides detailed advice on how transplant recipients can use exercise to improve their quality of life.
Fatigue is the most common complaint of patients. It can continue for years after treatment. It may be due to the disease itself, or the chemotherapy, radiation, and other medications used to treat the disease. This presentation reviews the causes and complications of transplant-related fatigue and describes lifestyle changes and pharmacological interventions that can improve cancer-related fatigue.
A stem cell transplant can be emotionally challenging and disrupt normal life and relationships, at least for a time. Acknowledging these challenges and cultivating social and professional support can help restore emotional health. This presentation describes common emotions patients feel after transplant and some effective methods for coping with them.
woman on phone

One-on-One Peer Support

Talk to someone who has been a transplant or CAR T-cell patient or their caregiver. Get ideas to help you through treatment.

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Join a Support Group

Join a private online support group for patients or caregivers living with chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Groups are also available for people who have received CAR T-cell therapy.

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Find a Mental Health Provider

Find a mental health provider who understands what's involved in undergoing a transplant or CAR T-cell therapy or living with graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).