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Treatment for many cancers now involves maintenance therapy after a remission is achieved. This presentation examines whether maintenance therapy is appropriate for various sub-types of AML after transplant and after some non-transplant therapies.
This presentation explains how exercise can improve stamina and strength; how a physical therapist can tailor an exercise program to meet your needs; and how energy conservation plays a role in managing fatigue. It also provide a demonstration of some exercises that transplant recipients can perform at home.
Chronic fatigue after a stem cell transplant is common. It can persist for months, or even years. This video explains what contributes to transplant-related fatigue and describes exercise and mindfulness programs that are effective in reducing it.
La terapia de células CAR T es una nueva opción de tratamiento para pacientes con leucemia linfoblástica aguda, algunos linfomas y mieloma múltiple que no han respondido a terapias anteriores. Esta presentación describe cómo funciona la terapia de células CAR T, sus riesgos y efectos secundarios, y cómo estos pueden manejarse de manera efectiva.
El trasplante que utiliza las propias células (trasplante autólogo) puede causar efectos tardíos en la salud meses o años después del trasplante. Este video describe posibles complicaciones tardías o a largo plazo después del trasplante, cómo reducir el riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones y cuáles son las opciones de tratamiento.
Stem cell transplant recipients are at an elevated risk for osteoporosis and bone fractures after transplant which can be disabling or life-threatening. Learn who’s at risk and screenings and treatments options that can help prevent fractures due to bone loss.
CAR-T cell therapy is a promising new treatment for multiple myeloma. This presentation describes the versions of this therapy that are currently available, their potential complications and side effects, and the risk/benefit calculations in deciding when this treatment is appropriate.
Stem cell transplant recipients may develop pulmonary complications after transplant. Some, like bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) can severely restrict breathing. This presentation describes the symptoms and treatments for these complications with particular attention to bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome.
Resumen: El trasplante con células de un donante (trasplante alogénico) puede causar efectos tardíos en la salud meses o años después del trasplante. Este video describe posibles complicaciones tardías o a largo plazo después del trasplante, cómo reducir el riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones y opciones de tratamiento.
A variety of skin problems are common after a bone marrow or stem cell transplant including infections, rashes, hair loss, lesions and skin cancer. This video discusses both malignant and non-malignant skin problems, who is at risk for developing these problems, recommended skin care after transplant, and testing to prevent or diagnose skin problems early.