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Few transplant centers currently have guidelines and support programs to help patients return to work after a stem cell transplant. New return-to-work guidelines and tools have been developed by transplant and other medical specialists help patients return to work after a stem cell transplant.
This video discusses the well-known fact that cancer is expensive, and provides tips on how to select the most cost-effective health insurance plan for you, manage medical debt, and find low-cost prescription options and financial assistance plans to help pay for medical expenses.
Cognitive issues, such difficulty with attention and memory, are common after a bone marrow transplant. This presentation discusses why they occur, tests to determine the extent of the problem and treatments available to address these problems. (In this presentation, the term bone marrow transplants is meant to include bone marrow, stem cell and cord blood transplants.)
Medical marijuana has the potential to treat a number of problems associated with stem cell transplantation. More research is needed, however, to clarify its appropriate uses. This presentation reviews the currently known risks, benefits, and side effects of medical marijuana for transplant patients.
Chemobrain and steroid rage are common side effects of drugs used during a stem cell transplant. This presentation reviews the causes and symptoms of these problems as well as the prospects for full recovery from them.
This video discusses what normal blood glucose levels are, what the health consequences are of having blood glucose levels that are either too high or too low, how a stem cell transplant can affect blood glucose levels, and steps stem cell transplant recipients and their healthcare providers can take to detect and manage blood glucose levels.
The eyes are one of the most common sites for graft-versus-host-disease following stem cell transplantation. This presentation describes the most typical forms of ocular GVHD and the wide array of remedies to effectively treat symptoms of this problem. (Note: In this presentation, when the speaker uses the term bone marrow transplants, it includes stem cell and cord blood transplants as well.)
La Enfermedad de Injerto contra Huésped (EICH) puede ser aguda o crónica. Este taller explica la diferencia entre ambas, los factores de riesgo, su incidencia, cuáles son los síntomas, cuándo comienzan y cuánto duran. También explica las terapias para el tratamiento de la EICH aguda y crónica, así como los efectos secundarios de esos medicamentos.
Este video informa acerca de los avances en la prevención y el tratamiento de la enfermedad de injerto contra huésped aguda y crónica, así como sobre las drogas que han sido aprobadas por el FDA y algunos ensayos clínicos que se están desarrollando actualmente.
After being diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome, nurse Justin Regan underwent two stem cell transplants using cells from a donor. He recounts his experience and shares what inspired him to continue on through treatment, despite the difficulties.