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Learn about bone marrow/stem cell transplant, CAR T-cell therapy, graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), and how to manage late effects of treatment.

Astronauts, Transplant and CAR T-cell Recipients: What Do They Have In Common?

Strategies astronauts use to stay fit during space flight can help bone marrow/stem cell transplant and CAR T-cell recipients.
This presentation explains how exercise can improve stamina and strength; how a physical therapist can tailor an exercise program to meet your needs; and how energy conservation plays a role in managing fatigue. It also provide a demonstration of some exercises that transplant recipients can perform at home.
Problems with sleeping can exacerbate the fatigue and depression that often accompanies a stem cell transplant. This presentation reviews many sleep issues like insomnia that can complicate recovery after transplant, and describes effective remedies for these problems.
Many women experience sexual problems following a stem cell transplant. A variety of medical and psychologist issues contribute to problems with intimacy and sexual health, but effective treatment options are available.
El diagnóstico de cáncer y su tratamiento, así como el trasplante pueden afectar la vida sexual de la mujer. En este video encontrará estrategias que ayudan con los cambios sexuales y recomendaciones para restaurar la salud sexual después del trasplante.
Sexual problems in men after a stem cell transplant is quite common. This presentation reviews various types of sexual dysfunction in transplant recipients and available remedies. Patients are encouraged to learn about these issues and not hesitate to seek help when needed.
Los problemas sexuales, tales como la disfunción eréctil, la baja testosterona, y cuestiones de fertilidad son bastante frecuentes en pacientes que tuvieron trasplantes de células madre. Afortunadamente, estos problemas son tratables. Conozca cómo manejar los problemas sexuales y de fertilidad después del trasplante en este nuevo video de BMT InfoNet.
This presentation explains how to manage some common eating difficulties experienced by stem cell transplant recipients. It also discusses the impact of transplant and diet on long-term health problems such as metabolic syndrome and osteoporosis, and common myths about the relationship between cancer and certain foods and diets.
Herbal remedies and supplements have become increasingly popular for many medical conditions. This presentation reviews the various risks, potential benefits, and specific cautions that transplant recipients should consider before using these products.
Medical marijuana has the potential to treat a number of problems associated with stem cell transplantation. More research is needed, however, to clarify its appropriate uses. This presentation reviews the currently known risks, benefits, and side effects of medical marijuana for transplant patients.
Multiple myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells, which are blood cells that are responsible for producing antibodies to fight infections. Patients with multiple myeloma often undergo a stem cell transplant as part of their initial treatment. Maintenance therapy after a stem cell transplant can enable myeloma patients to live longer but can also cause side effects.
Treatment for many cancers now involves maintenance therapy after a remission is achieved. This presentation examines whether maintenance therapy is appropriate for various sub-types of AML after transplant and after some non-transplant therapies.
This video discusses what normal blood glucose levels are, what the health consequences are of having blood glucose levels that are either too high or too low, how a stem cell transplant can affect blood glucose levels, and steps stem cell transplant recipients and their healthcare providers can take to detect and manage blood glucose levels.
woman on phone

One-on-One Peer Support

Talk to someone who has been a transplant or CAR T-cell patient or their caregiver. Get ideas to help you through treatment.

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Join a Support Group

Join a private online support group for patients or caregivers living with chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Groups are also available for people who have received CAR T-cell therapy.

counselor woman

Find a Mental Health Provider

Find a mental health provider who understands what's involved in undergoing a transplant or CAR T-cell therapy or living with graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).