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El trasplante y la terapia de células CAR T han curado y prolongado las vidas de muchísimas personas con cánceres hematológicos. Sin embargo, los sobrevivientes pueden presentar complicaciones cardiovasculares en el corto y largo plazo. Conozca cuáles son esas complicaciones y cómo prevenirlas.
Stem cell transplant patients have an increased risk of heart and vascular problems after transplant. The risk of cardiovascular complications increases over time after transplant. This presentation reviews the major cardiovascular complications, their underlying causes, and the most effective preventative measures and treatment options for addressing them.
This presentation reviews some of the short- and long-term cardiovascular toxicities that can develop after stem cell transplantation. It describes strategies that patients and their physicians can use to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular problems after transplant.
Transplant recipients face several risks to long-term heart health arising from their cancer treatment. This presentation identifies these risks and offers strategies to minimize them and foster healthy, long-term survival.