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El diagnóstico de cáncer y su tratamiento, así como el trasplante pueden afectar la vida sexual de la mujer. En este video encontrará estrategias que ayudan con los cambios sexuales y recomendaciones para restaurar la salud sexual después del trasplante.
Sexual problems in men after a stem cell transplant is quite common. This presentation reviews various types of sexual dysfunction in transplant recipients and available remedies. Patients are encouraged to learn about these issues and not hesitate to seek help when needed.
Los problemas sexuales, tales como la disfunción eréctil, la baja testosterona, y cuestiones de fertilidad son bastante frecuentes en pacientes que tuvieron trasplantes de células madre. Afortunadamente, estos problemas son tratables. Conozca cómo manejar los problemas sexuales y de fertilidad después del trasplante en este nuevo video de BMT InfoNet.
Distintos tipos de infecciones pueden ocurrir después de un trasplante y pueden complicar la recuperación de los pacientes. Esta presentación describe los riesgos de infecciones después de un trasplante, las terapias para tratarlas, y algunas medidas para prevenirlas.
Many women experience sexual problems following a stem cell transplant. A variety of medical and psychologist issues contribute to problems with intimacy and sexual health, but effective treatment options are available.
Several new therapies have recently been approved to prevent and treat graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and more are being studied. The new therapies are more effective than the standard GVHD therapies and should result in a lower incidence of GVHD with fewer toxicities for patients, going forward.
This presentation reviews some of the short- and long-term cardiovascular toxicities that can develop after stem cell transplantation. It describes strategies that patients and their physicians can use to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular problems after transplant.
Several types of infection can occur after a stem cell or bone marrow transplant and can complicate recovery for patients. This presentation describes the infection risks during the posttransplant period, therapies to treat them, and some measures to prevent them.
Graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD) is a common challenge for patients who undergo a stem cell transplant using cells from a donor (an allogeneic transplant). It can be mild, moderate or severe. This presentation reviews the types of GVHD, the organs most often affected, common symptoms, and traditional as well as newer therapies for treating GVHD.
Herbal remedies and supplements have become increasingly popular for many medical conditions. This presentation reviews the various risks, potential benefits, and specific cautions that transplant recipients should consider before using these products.